RCCR Festival of Ideas      USA Flag

Hello Brighton Students, Parents, and staff.

    Please enjoy the following videos and photos taken at some of our prior events.  We anticipate these will entertain you and build a desire to learn more in the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).  We are hoping that the current worldwide health condition with Covid will be brought under control so we can continue this fun and exciting event with you next year.

    Make sure you visit the AMA Flight School.  There is a link at the bottom of this page.  On the page you can find plans to build quick projects which you will find very exciting.

Thank you,
The Radio Control Club of Rochester





AMA Activities

    Thank you for taking the time to view this page containing the videos and photos.  I am sure you found the AMA Flight School building projects fun to build, interesting and entertaining.  We are looking forward to next year's event.

Thank you and have an enjoyable day!
The Radio Control Club of Rochester

Radio Control Club of Rochester        Brighton Festival of Ideas
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Last update: 2/2/2021